The transition
Apr 24, 2020
If you read my first blog post entitled “Meet the influencer” you would have learned what triggered my initial change into a plant based lifestyle. This post is to understand exactly how I made that change and inspire those who wish to do the same. My previous post also mentioned that I am not here to dictate how one should eat. I am here to help you understand your body and become the best version of yourselves. Life is all about balance, and incorporating more natural foods into your diet is one of the best decisions you can make! Here’s how…
A plant based diet is the only diet that has been shown to reverse some of the most chronic diseases such as early stages of cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This lifestyle is appropriate for all stages of the life, including pregnancy, infants, childhood, adolescence, elderly, and all athletes. My change into this lifestyle was gradual and slow. Going cold turkey from day one is never a good idea. When I returned to Bermuda from Costa Rica after my “Meat experience” I decided to eliminate red meat first. It took me an entire year to extract it from my diet. I started by eating it only once a week, then only a few times a month. I eventually reached the point where I would eat it once every few months until I completey stopped.
Once I eliminated red meat, I was ready to tackle white meat. This too, also took me an entire year. I followed the same procedure while paying close attention to my body. I started to feel extra sluggish, tired, drained and had severe brain fog. At first I didn’t understand why, I thought I was doing the right thing for my body. However, I was eating a lot of soy based meat alternatives and carbohydrates with limited plant based food.
I was in the midst of traveling and ended up in Ecuador on a surfing trip for 2 weeks. I was a part of a surf camp that provides majority plant based foods. Every day I ate tropical fruits, smoothies, and veggie filled dinners. I instantly noticed a huge change in my body , my energy was back and brain fog was gone. At that point I realized the obvious, my body felt drained because it was adjusting to the new change and I wasn’t replenishing it with the nutrients it needed.
I knew I needed to eat more fruits and vegetables but I was hooked on comfort foods. It is one thing to have knowledge, and another to apply it. Sometimes we just need that extra push towards the right direction. Since I’ve eaten mainly plant based foods I have been full of energy, my skin became clearer (I used to suffer from severe acne) , I feel smarter and every day feels like a natural high. Everything we need comes from the earth with plants being our medicine, and our protein. Yes, I said protein for those who wonder “Where do you get your protein from!?” The simplest explanation goes as follows. The animals we eat, eat plants to get protein, then humans eat animals to get protein after it has been digested and broken down. I always wondered why should we get protein from the secondary source (Animals) when we can get it from the primary source (Plants) ? This way we can intake all of the benefits. A head of broccoli has more protein than a slab of steak and 1 cup of black beans have more protein than a drumstick, to say the least.
If you reach the point of giving up meat completely, a cleanse is extremely important and helpful for the transition. I highly recommend a parasite cleanse as it helps to reduce cravings. Read my next blog entitled “The essential parasite cleanse” for the gross truth about these pest.
Lastly, have fun and get creative with recipes. Connect with like minded people, even if its via social media. Read books and watch documentaries to keep the momentum going. If you aren’t skilled in the kitchen or don’t have much time in your day to day life, there are hundreds of quick and easy recipes for you to try. I will be sharing as many of my recipes as I can, both intricate and simple. Keep in mind that any transition takes time. Much of this is about trial and error, finding out what works for you and what doesn't. So be gentle with yourself as you find your rhythm to incorporate more plant based foods.
Growing up in a meat lovers family, I never understood how someone could NOT eat meat. In fact, I loved meat so much I would eat 1/2 a pack of bacon as a mere snack. In 2011, I joined an expedition in Costa Rica and Nicaragua where I lived with a host family. Once a month their village would kill a cow and share it with all of the families nearby. The cow had been naturally raised from birth, bathed, fed organically, adored by children and genuinely loved by all. Now, meat doesn't get any fresher than this! The hamburger was prepared almost exactly how I would prepare it myself back at home. However, when I took my first bite, I absolutely hated the taste. It had tasted nothing like what I was used to. Then I started to think , if I don’t like meat in its most natural form, then what I am eating back at home? What is it injected with? What are they feeding it?
That experience alone triggered extensive research. The more I learned, the more I was turned off by meat. It wasn’t just the fact that animals today are being tortured in slaughter houses, injected with chemicals to look thick and juicy, or have their arms and legs ripped off piece by piece. It wasn't just because they are jammed packed in a cage like sardines with no room to stretch a muscle for months, even years. It was the fact that this torture and pain, builds a huge amount of negative energy that remains in that same animal after it is slaughtered, cooked and presented on your plate.
This unconsciously causes so many of us to suffer from depression, anxiety and behavioral issues. We are then told to lean toward pharmaceuticals for help (an unhealthy bandaid). Pharmaceuticals block our biochemistry to reduce symptoms and plants restore our biochemistry to create health. Everything we need for a vibrant, healthy and energetic life comes from mother nature. If you eat living foods such as fruits, vegetables and herbs you will naturally feel alive. If you eat dead foods such as meat , dairy and processed foods you will naturally, feel dead.
It took me a very long time to give up dairy and fish. Although I hadn’t eaten meat for years , dairy and fish were still present in my diet on occasion. I also had a love for unhealthy carbohydrates. I thought it was hard, nearly impossible to give up these items when you live on a beautiful island surrounded by fresh local fish and especially when your favorite food is macaroni. I had to train my mind to realize nothing is hard or impossible by simply understanding that I have control over all of my thoughts. I started replacing the thought “This is hard” with “This is easy” until it literally became easy.
Very Rare Vegan is not here to tell you what or how to eat. I am here to make you aware of the positive effects a plant based diet has on your body and the earth. I am here to show you how to listen and understand your body, eat according to what your body is telling you and how your body feels. Life is about balance, and no matter how you eat, it is important to incorporate as many plant based foods into your diet as possible.
So welcome, I hope you find what you never knew you were looking for :) .