
    Lets talk about Iron

    An outstanding amount of women suffer from low Iron. This is because women are more prone to Iron deficiency due to the heavy blood loss during menstruation. Each day, I come in to contact with friends,family and colleagues that don't understand what's causing their anemia (Iron deficiency) nor what natural tools they can apply to bring their body back into balance.  Iron deficiency is also the most susceptible deficiency, when you are deficient of Iron you become susceptible to a host of diseases. This is why maintaining the proper Iron levels in your body are so important!

    While there are many Iron-rich foods, there are also many other influencing factors to consider. Many things may be inhibiting your ability to absorb Iron and other nutrients. Also, many people that are Iron deficient resort to pharmaceutical versions of Iron/supplements which are unnatural. Those are sources that our bodies will not recognize, will not absorb and will not utilize. When you take pharmaceutical Iron/supplements, they stay in the blood stream there for your iron levels will ‘seem’ high when you get tested. However, in reality the body “Does not recognize it, absorb it nor utilize it” - Quoted from Dr. Bobby Price – Holistic health probationer.

    What can be causing low Iron?

    Iron is an essential mineral needed to make hemoglobin which transports oxygen in red blood cells from the lungs to the rest of the body. Iron also plays a vital role in the immediate immune system response to fight off bacteria in our bodies before it gets to a severe stage. Did you know Iron is also electric!? The same way iron outside of the body would conduct electricity, iron inside of the body does as well. This is why some call iron the “Spark plug” to the body and the reason low Iron can make us feel tired, weak and experience shortness of breath. This is why eating electric foods aka alkaline foods are important. My next blog post will dive deep into alkaline foods for the body.

    In order to optimize the iron in our bodies we have to consume more plant-based forms of Iron (Iron-phosphate). Such as leafy greens like kale, spinach and Swiss-chard. Other foods including dates, raisins, sesame seeds, lentils, black beans, avocado and beets, just to name a few. The herb with the most powerful content of Iron is Sarsaparilla. Other Iron rich herbs include Dandelion root, Burdock and Yellow-dock. It is also important to consume a high amount of Vitamin-C rich foods for the absorption of Iron. Having gut issues can also prevent Iron absorption. See my previous blog post entitled “The essential parasite cleanse” for cleaning out the gut. Lastly, eating a lot of empty calories such as processed and junk foods, refined grains, synthetic ingredients, sodas and anything with excess sugar can contribute to Iron deficiency.

    Unfortunately today, the majority of conventional plants eaten are deficient in Iron because the soil is deficient. As a result, Iron is chemically added (fortified) to many of our foods. This type of Iron also isn’t recognized by the body. This is why it is important to consume herbs and organic plant-based foods. The best way to ensure your plants are organic are to grow them yourself or find a trusted local farmer!

    I hope you find this helpful and remember “It is oxygen that heals, nothing else but oxygen.” – Dr. Sebi and without Iron we cannot have proper oxygen flow!


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